My Country Tisn't Thee


Due to too much buyin' in what wanted to be like Zion, Babylon must fall like Mayan culture did. Ask this to your vulture kids, "why in such super advanced technological states can't we break such simple mistakes as being able to relate?" This defines our fate. With commercialism pointing toward mates our brains waste cause our fake exteriors never honestly look in mirrors. Dear Yours Truly, You never knew me, always look through me use me like you were my duty. I am my own better whole with soul. My goal is to out underground the mole. Old is bound to fold. We live on land they stole. We shield them from the cold. While dying from breathing in the coal. Leave hold of the casts you mold. Fuck the old white man. I'll say it again. Fuck the old white man. Again and again. There's no freedom left to defend. It's time to state that we have no need for a democracy out for monopoly, land of hypocracy. Topple we the people 'till we is how it ought to be. America, you are not me. I have fought you since my birth. Because of you my life ain't worth shit. I had to let you steal it. Just to eat a meal, but it won't keep me from revealin' it. I hate the country I live in it steals rights that should be given to me for simply being a livin' thing, My country 'tisn't thee I sing. Only cash liberty do you bring. You are a bald eagle with a broken wing. And I can't wait to see your demise debated by the media you created to keep us faded. The truth no longer shaded. Death to our hallmark hell. No more lives will we allow you to sell. Let complacency melt. Understand how the poor people have felt. It is time oppression fell. Just because the land wasn't charted, doesn't allow you to make it dishearted. Babylon is not my homeland. American, but I am my own man. My family came from Scottland. To find themselves caught in The same fight to be free they'd foughten Against the rotten Bourgeois Legacy. Before I die, I want to know what it feels like to be free.